Tax Services in Nigeria​

Managing a company’s tax strategy and statutory obligations in the face of today’s complex puzzle of rules and regulations can drain a company’s time, money, and resources. With dwindling sources of revenue for governments across the globe, there is more focus on tax revenue and enforcement of tax laws.

Tax compliance has now become more important and tax is as sure as death. Tax is a preferential debt even in a case of bankruptcy and this takes precedence before any payment of secured and unsecured creditors.

Tax strategies that harness the potential of change and align with the needs of the business are crucial to sustainable growth. We partner with our clients in the areas of planning, accounting, controls, compliance, reporting, and negotiating with tax authorities in order to mitigate reputational risks and enhance productivity.

Our tax professionals help our clients to ensure compliance with domestic and international tax laws. We also keep clients abreast of current changes that will impact the business’ tax strategy. We take a holistic view of tax, combining industry insight with the technical skills of our financial and tax professionals, both in-house and consultant experts, to develop comprehensive integrated solutions.

Tax Registration

The first step for any organization to get started is to register as a tax agent with the relevant tax authority. We make the step easy and simple by ensuring our client duly complied with the registration requirement with both state and federal government tax boards.

Strategic Tax Planning

We assist our clients in building a strategic tax plan that fits into the overall corporate plan and enterprise risk framework by aligning the organization’s goals and planned business volumes with the tax implications and ensuring strategic, tactical & transactional business solutions that minimize tax impacts.

Transactional Tax Filing

We assist our clients in preparing and filing all transactional taxes in a timely manner in order to avoid unnecessary penalties and optimize tax savings. Late filing is now a major issue from the revenue point of view and compounded interest is charged on unpaid tax liabilities and penalties.

We partner with our client to avoid any challenge associated with transactional tax filing by prompting for early filing of

  • Value-added tax (VAT)
  • Withholding taxes (WHT)
  • Capital gain tax (CGT),
  • Pay as you earn (PAYE) etc.

Analyze Your Business

Our payroll tax management in second to none,  we handle clients’ payroll functions for both local and expatriate employees, designing flexible and tax-efficient payroll systems and devising expatriate tax solutions.

Obtaining Tax Clearance

Applying/Winning contracts with government agencies and other corporations required companies to present their tax clearance certificate (TCC).

We take the pain off our clients by assisting in the regular updating of their tax records and obtaining tax clearance certificates either as individuals or companies.

lan and enterprise risk framework by aligning the organization’s goals and planned business volumes with the tax implications and ensuring strategic, tactical & transactional business solutions that minimize tax impacts.

Comprehensive Tax Health Check.

We assist our clients to undertake self-reviews of their tax compliance, either pre-statutory audit or pre-revenue authority audit. We also assist in undertaking a review of the company’s tax and accounting records to ensure compliance with all the relevant taxes.

About Our Company

We are a firm of chartered accountants and tax practitioners with a focus on providing value-added services to businesses and corporations. Our main objective is to provide top-quality, result-oriented, and cost-effective tax consulting, assurance services, accounting services, and financial and management consulting services to various corporate entities as they strive to fulfill their mission.